Singing Guide: Vib Gyor

Singing Guide: Vib Gyor

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn singing like Steve Godfrey, the lead singer of Vib Gyor, there are a few things to keep in mind. Vib Gyor is an alternative rock band from the UK with a unique sound characterized by Steve's voice - ethereal, raspy, and soothing all at the same time. Here are some tips and Singing Carrots resources to help you adapt his vocal technique:

  1. Vocal range and breath control

    Before you start singing, it's important to determine your vocal range using this quick test provided by Singing Carrots. Once you know what notes you can hit, the next step is to work on breath control, which is essential for sustaining long notes and hitting high notes without straining your voice. Refer to this Singing Carrots article on breath support for some exercises to improve your breath control.

  2. Voice registers and tone

    Steve uses various voice registers to create Vib Gyor's signature ethereal sound, particularly his falsetto and head voice. Check out this Singing Carrots article on voice registers and vocal break to understand how different registers work together. To create a similar tone, it's also important to open your mouth and throat, as explained in this Singing Carrots article on open mouth and throat.

  3. Articulation and resonance

    Steve's uniquely raspy sound comes from his articulation and resonance control. Practice techniques for clear articulation with this Singing Carrots article on articulation. To learn more about resonance, check out this Singing Carrots article on resonance in singing.

  4. Emotion and stage presence

    Steve's voice also carries the emotions of the songs he sings. To develop that special something that sets him apart, focus not just on hitting the right notes but also on singing with emotion and feeling. Check out this Singing Carrots article on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking for more insights. And, if you want to take it to the stage, read up on these Singing Carrots tips for overcoming stage fright and performing on stage.

  5. Vib Gyor Song suggestions

    Now that you have an idea of the techniques Steve uses, it's time to put it all into practice. Here are some Vib Gyor songs to get you started:

    Good luck on your singing journey like Steve Godfrey of Vib Gyor! Make sure to utilize all the resources provided by Singing Carrots for your practice and experimentation.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.